Welcome to Brunskär!

  • Visit the harbour

    The Brunskär harbour is a sheltered harbour in a traditional fisherman’s village. Here you can find a mooring, waste station, dry toilet, two walking trails and a barbecue area.

  • Walking trails

    Enjoy the beautiful nature and the cultural landscape on our walking trails. On of them takes you to the highest point of the island, Högberget. The other takes you to the west shore of the island.

  • Events 2025

    In 2025 we continue the archeology excavation and arrange a swimrun race.

About Brunskär

Brunskär is an island and a fisherman’s village 6 nautical miles south of the main island Korpo. We are some 50 ancestors spending our leisure time on Brunskär and the surrounding islands from early spring to the late autumn.

The Brunskärs byalag -association was founded in 2011 to preserve and develop the cultural environment and landscape on Brunskär, to maintain and develop the unique harbor environment and to promote the community in the village including folk music and craftsmanship traditions.

The Brunskär byalag association also takes on the task to nurture the natural and cultural environment. To do so, the old meadows have been restored. The sheep that help keeping the meadows in good shape are borrowed over the summer for Ytterstholm in Nagu.