Data policy
This Data Protection Description was updated 26.3.2022.
1. Registrar and Contact
Brunskärs byalag r.f. (FO- 2433330-1)
Chairperson Christian Lindberg, tfn +45 29353596, email:
2. Name of the Register
Brunskärs Byalag rf:s is a register of members, partners and customers.
3. Management of personal data
The association manages personal data of members, partners and customers.
4. Purpose and basis of the management of personal data
The information in this register is used for the following purpose:fakturering av medlemsavgifter och övriga avgifter som uppbärs i anslutning till föreningens verksamhet
billing of the membership fee and other costs that occur in the association
billing of partners and customers
for distribution of information to members, partners and customers
The information in the register of members is collected according to the following restrictions:
The associations by the law of associations 3 chapter 3 §11 obliged to have a register of members and a list of members that contains the names and domicile of the members of the association.
Personal data is required for events and special activities to which a member and/or other persons sign up and can include information about gender, age, special diets and health conditions that are needed in order to grant the participants safety.
Personal data is handled as required and agreed:
The register can additionally contain information that the members themselves have informed the association of.
Photographs and films are personal data and are handled as agreed with the persons on the Photographs or in the films.
5. Sources of information
Personal data is collected from the registered person or the caregiver of the person.
The members of the association and other person can update their personal data in the register by sending the registrar an email.
6. Consignment of information
Information from the association's register will not be handed over to a third party.
7. Guidelines for data protection and time frames for data storage
The personal data and information of the register will be saved in the register for as long as the person remains as a member in the association.
Personal data that has been collected only for an event or other special activities will be saved in the register only as long as it is necessary for the event or activity and after that for a maximum time period of two years.
Personal data that has been collected as per an agreement is saved as long as the association sees it necessary or up until the registered member wishes to have their own personal data deleted.
Only registered members that are given a personal password, by the board of the association, are entitled to administer the register of members of the association.
8. The right to check and correct your own personal data in the register.
The registered persons have the right to check their own personal data, and to require a correction, addition or deleting of the personal data.This is done when the data is wrong, unnecessary or incomplete.
Any dissatisfaction with the handling or administration of the person can be reported to the data commissioner.
9. Changes in the data protection description
All members will be informed in case this data protection description is changed.